
Laying a Successful Foundation

Building a progressive enterprise

J.B. Poindexter & Co (JBPCO) initially began as an investment partnership with John B. Poindexter and fellow partners, whose goals evolved from the realization of capital gains to the achievement of long-term growth. Initial acquisitions in the manufacturing and automotive spaces would lay the foundation for an enterprise led by household names in each respective industry working together to benefit one another.

History of JB Poindexter & Co


KD/P Equities

KD/P Equities was formed in New York City as a partnership between Kellner, DiLeo & Co. (the KD), a highly respected merger arbitrage firm and John B. Poindexter. Kellner, DiLeo & Co. sought to leverage its trading and financial capabilities to invest in a portfolio of wholly-owned businesses that offered good capital gains prospects.

Mid 80s

KD/P Team Evolved

The investment strategy of the KD/P team evolved from acquiring and reselling businesses for capital gains to buying and operating businesses for long-term growth. Thus, the management team formed J.B. Poindexter & Co., LP (JBPCO).



EFP becomes the first acquisition of JBPCO.


LEER Group

Truck Accessories Group (now LEER Group) is acquired by JBPCO.


Morgan Truck Body

JBPCO purchases Morgan Truck Body.


MIC Group

JBPCO finalizes deal to acquire MIC Group.


Acquisitions and Empowering

The company’s business model gradually shifted to a more active role with its acquisitions and empowering its management teams. Thus, the company was converted from a partnership to a corporation and relocated to Houston.


Morgan Olson

JBPCO continues its expansion with the purchase of Morgan Olson.



JBPCO entered the specialty vehicle industry following the acquisition of Federal Coach and Eagle Coach, known together as Specialty Vehicle Group (now FederalEagle).


Reading Truck

JBPCO finalizes purchase of Reading Truck Body (now Reading Truck).



JBPCO continues its expansion into upfitting and accessories following acquisition of Masterack.



JBPCO launches EAVX – serving present and future EV and alternative fuel markets and advanced vehicle technology markets.

45 %

of medium truck bodies are Morgan Truck Body

66 %

of step vans are Morgan Olson

33 %

of truck cap or tonneau covers are LEER Group (LEER, Century or Pace Edwards)

50 %

of funeral coaches are FederalEagle

20 %

of service truck or van bodies are Reading Truck

Military Roots

Having a Certified Veteran’s Business Enterprise (VBE) is important for J.B. Poindexter & Co (JBPCO) and especially its CEO and Chairman John B. Poindexter — who volunteered for the U.S. Army and Officer Candidate School following his undergraduate education.

JBPCO became a certified Veteran’s Business Enterprise (VBE) from the National Veteran-Owned Business Association (NaVOBA) in September 2020. A VBE certification is nationally recognized as the gold standard for veteran-owned businesses. This paved the way to directly develop relationships and conduct business with other companies across the U.S. looking to work with a business that wasn’t only veteran-owned, but one that emphasized employing veterans as well.

Connecting and Working with Veterans

With such an extensive military background, Poindexter has made recruiting veterans at JBPCO a priority, recognizing the skills and experiences they bring, even partnering with RecruitMilitary to reach more veterans.

Poindexter volunteered for service in the Republic of South Vietnam, receiving two Purple Hearts, two Silver Stars, the Soldier’s Medal, two Bronze Stars, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Silver Star and other decorations for service and valor.

In 2009, the Presidential Unit Citation – the nation’s highest decoration for a combat unit – was conferred on Poindexter’s Vietnam command, Alpha Troop, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment for their extraordinary bravery and heroism. The granting of the decoration was commemorated in a nationally televised ceremony in the Rose Garden of the White House addressed by President Barack Obama.

Core Values

The core values at JB Poindexter are our guiding principles to achieve success. Every day, team members are making impactful contributions for the benefit of our customers and our company. We practice living the JBPCO values every day, driving innovation together as one team.
Jbpco Core Values


JBPCO has made significant strides over the course of its history to create a more sustainable environment. JBPCO utilizes the award-winning ERA Environmental Management System to help quantify and reduce emissions use, on top of an increased effort on recycling paper, cardboard, plastics, metals and other materials.

Get in Touch

Whether you’d like to get to know more about JBPCO and our Business Units, learn more about career opportunities or if you’d like to potentially do business, we’d love to talk with you.

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